Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Washington Note

The Washington Note:
"Vice President Cheney's disregard for America's system of checks and balances and his huff-and-puff advocacy of unilateral military responses to complex national security challenges has really harmed America's portfolio of interests.

He should be challenged every time and every where he speaks. He should get no easy passes, and Americans should stop giving him laudatory back-drops and applause when he deigns to walk in public view -- like he did recently in Denver.

According to this report, a man walking his young son walked over to Cheney who was glad-handing and said, 'I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible.' He walked on. Ten minutes later, he was handcuffed and arrested under orders from the Secret Service.

Hmmm.....OK, no more inappropriate analogies with official, well-dressed thugs in nations leading up to World War II. Let's just settle for a lighter, more cuddly version of the KGB."
I guess you won't read much about this in the papers, except maybe here.

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