Friday, October 06, 2006

A special comment about lying - Countdown with Keith Olbermann -

A special comment about lying - Countdown with Keith Olbermann -
"The president of the United States — unbowed, undeterred and unconnected to reality — has continued his extraordinary trek through our country rooting out the enemies of freedom: the Democrats.

Yesterday at a fundraiser for an Arizona congressman, Mr. Bush claimed, quote, “177 of the opposition party said, ‘You know, we don’t think we ought to be listening to the conversations of terrorists.’”

The hell they did.

One hundred seventy-seven Democrats opposed the president’s seizure of another part of the Constitution.

Not even the White House press office could actually name a single Democrat who had ever said the government shouldn’t be listening to the conversations of terrorists.

President Bush hears what he wants.

Tuesday, at another fundraiser in California, he had said, “Democrats take a law enforcement approach to terrorism. That means America will wait until we’re attacked again before we respond.”

Mr. Bush fabricated that, too."
Obermann gave his special comment last night. Click the link above to read the transcript, click here to see the video. Obermann, in his special comments feature, continues to hit the president where it counts through a national forum. He goes where very few of the national media will go. His message is a bit long, but is never tedious, and worth the watch.

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