I invite you to drop by and check out Margaret and Helen's Blog. They have been friends for 60 years, and they always have something to say. Here is "prime choice" from Helen:
OK. Now I am all worked up again. Republicans - each and every last one of you - need to reach for the nearest gas pump and then promptly stick it so far up your ass that only Sarah Palins Pipeline From Jesus can find it. How could you do this to us? An idiot. You put an idiot in charge of things and sat by for EIGHT years while the nation and the world fell apart. And if that wasnt enough, 58 million of you wanted to replace Laurel with Hardy as the next president. Sweet Jesus if I could jump through this computer screen and slap the crap out of 58 million of you I would. Everyday is precious. EVERYDAY. And we just pissed away 2,920. Never again.