Friday, October 10, 2008

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (October 10, 2008) - The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right

Andrew Sullivan hit's the head on the nail. This is a dangerous time for Barack Obama. McCain is encouraging hatred at a time when we need to be united. Panic is ugly, and let's pray that it doesn't get any worse.

I wonder...what are acceptable morals and ethics these days? The ends most definitely do not justify the means. These are Machiavellian days.

...This is a moment of maximal physical danger for the young Democratic nominee. And McCain is playing with fire. If he really wants to put country first, he will attack Obama on his policies - not on these inflammatory, personal, creepy grounds. This is getting close to the atmosphere stoked by the Israeli far right before the assassination of Rabin. For God's sake, McCain, stop it. For once in this campaign, put your country first.

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (October 10, 2008) - The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right

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