Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bush Grievances Against Liberal Ideals

At the 2nd March meeting of Drinking Liberally Olympia, members put together a list of grievances against the Bush Administration.  Some of these are illegal. Clearly. Others go against what we consider ethical behavior.  Still others that are actions that are hypocritical of what Bush says he stands for, but his actions speak very differently.  But virtually all them piss us off!!

We came up with 60 different grievances that evening.  Others have contributed since then.  We now have 85 items on the list and still counting.That is with no prior research, no thinking about it prior to the meeting.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The list is in no particular order or priority. Here goes:

  1. Suspend Habeas Corpus
  2. Made travel to foreign countries more unpleasant for you and me
  3. Made travel of foreign guests much more unpleasant to visit here
  4. Stole 2000 election
  5. "Compassionate Conservative" only compassionate depending on who you are (i.e., rich)
  6. Intimidation of subordinates of those who are fired
  7. Mixing political appointees vs. political appointives
  8. Arsenic in Water
  9. Katrina
  10. Iraq
  11. Mountaintop Removal
  12. Valerie Plame
  13. Patriot Act
  14. Guantanamo
  15. "Old Europe" (Estranging Allies)
  16. The name "Homeland Security"
  17. Disregarding Civil Liberties (Warrant less Searches)

  18. Renditions
  19. Torture
  20. Tax Cut and Deficit Policy (i.e. De-tax and Spend Conservatives)
  21. Invented "enemy combatant"
  22. $9 Billion missing in Iraq
  23. Refusal to fund stem cell research
  24. Privatizing the military
  25. Used hired mercenaries to go into New Orleans immediately after Katrina hit
  26. 20,000 National Security Letters w/out warrant
  27. Ignoring the Geneva Convention
  28. Disregarding International Law
  29. Disregarding National Law -- "I am the Decider"
  30. $40 billion being spent on unfounded star wars technology
  31. No Child Left Behind
  32. Cutting financial aid for higher ed
  33. Alienating our Gay Community
  34. Pandering to the religious "right to life" sect through the Terry Schiavo case
  35. Faith-based initiative
  36. Lack of action and collaboration with the world community on Global Warming
  37. Dick Cheney's secret energy policy written by energy companies for pure profit
  38. Constant and Consistent Lying--Actions definitely do not support words (why do people keep believing him?)
  39. Lied about "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to get us into an endless, bloody war that has resulted, at a minumum, several 10's of thousands dying, most likely resulting in 100's of thousands dying

  40. Let Afghanistan "rot on the vine"
  41. Neglecting Osama Bin Laden
  42. Shutting EPA libraries down
  43. Drilling in National Nature Preserves
  44. Clearcutting
  45. Stopping a clear path of scientific information to scientists and the general population
  46. Putting a "chastity belt on lady justice"
  47. J. Steven Griles, former Deputy Secretary of the Interior, indicted in the Abramoff Scandal
  48. Curriculum developed in "No Child Left Behind" initiative directly benefits Neal Bush, George's brother (see
  49. Appoints Sam Fox as Ambassador of Belgium as a recess appointee after being rejected by the Congress
  50. Environmental Degradation is acceptable
  51. Ignoring the needs of our veterans and returning injured soldiers
  52. Biggest Debt in human history left for our children and grand children
  53. New Nuclear weapons
  54. The "war president" is the "vacation president"
  55. "grammar deficient"
  56. Abstinence only funding
  57. Abdicating on the middle east peace process
  58. US Attorney Schedule
  59. Clear Skies Initiative
  60. "Healthy Forests" Initiative
  61. Bush Administration's attempt to deny citizens the right to sue to enforce

    voting rights
  62. January 2001 – suspends

    implementation of most of former President Clinton's late-term executive orders

    regarding the environment, including the "roadless rule" protecting 60 million

    acres of national forest, new standards for arsenic in drinking water, and a

    phased-in ban of snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park.

  63. February 2001 – cuts

    Interior Department funding for environmental policy enforcement by 7 percent.

    The Republican-controlled Senate introduces, for the first time, a bill that

    would allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a proposal

    resurrected annually as part of Bush's energy policy.

  64. March

    2001 – reverses a campaign pledge by announcing that he will not order mandatory

    reductions of carbon dioxide emissions from the nation's electrical


  65. March

    2001 – unilaterally withdraws from the Kyoto Protocol on global


  66. March

    2001 – nominates mining industry lobbyist J. Steven Griles for Interior deputy


  67. April

    2001 – breaks another campaign pledge, abandoning plans to invest $100 million

    per year in rainforest conservation.

  68. April

    2001 – nominates Bennett Raley – who once testified that the Endangered Species

    Act should be repealed – as assistant secretary for water and


  69. April

    2001 – instructs the Interior Department to seek to limit citizen-initiated

    lawsuits involving the Endangered Species Act.

  70. April

    2001 – Dick Cheney, heading up Bush’s hyper-secret energy task force, meets with

    Enron executives (pre-implosion) for advice.

  71. May

    2001 – places a freeze on new proposals for expanding the national park


  72. May

    2001 – nominates James Connaughton, notorious for his legal defense of General

    Electric in Superfund fights with the EPA, to be the chair of his Council on

    Environmental Quality.

  73. May

    2001 – nominates Linda Fisher, former head of Monsanto's government affairs

    office, as second-in-command at the EPA.

  74. May

    2001 – releases his energy plan, devised in secret by a task force headed by

    Darth Cheney.

  75. June

    2001 – BRIGHT SPOT: Vermont Republican Jim Jeffords switches parties, throwing

    control of the Senate to the Democrats.

  76. June

    2001 – nominates former timber lobbyist Mark Rey for Agriculture undersecretary

    for natural resources and environment.

  77. June

    2001 – nominates William G. Myers, a former lobbyist for the National

    Cattlemen's Beef Association, as the Interior Department's new


  78. July

    2001 – announces the opening of 1.5 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico to oil

    drilling – although distant from Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's shorelines.

  79. August 2001 – seeks to

    overturn a federal court order blocking oil and gas exploration off the

    California coast.

  80. August 2001 – citing

    executive privilege, Bush refuses to respond to a letter from the GAO revealing

    with whom Vice President Darth Cheney met as chair of the energy task


  81. August 2001 – the select

    intergovernmental committee on terrorism meets for the first time – for 25


  82. September 2001 – after

    the abject failings of his administration to prevent 9/11, invokes global

    terrorism as excuse for increased coal mining and oil exploration in the US,

    combined with relaxed regulation and oversight – leading indirectly to the Sago

    disaster just over 4 years later.

  83. October 2001 – rams the

    USA PATRIOT Act – it’s an acronym, remember? – through a compliant Congress,

    expanding the use of National Security Letters and the powers of the FISA Court,

    defining a new type of crime (“terrorism-related activity”), and replacing the

    “probable cause” language of the Fourth Amendment with the more malleable

    “reasonable suspicion.”

  84. November 2001 – nominates

    Rebecca Watson – a member of the Board of Litigation of the Mountain States

    Legal Foundation and a lawyer who has represented the interests of the mining

    and logging industries – to serve as the Interior Department's assistant

    secretary for land and minerals management.

  85. December 2001 -- grants

    initial approval to a set of administrative rules that would weaken the Clean

    Air Act by allowing coal-burning plants to bypass "new source review" pollution

    standards when upgrading their facilities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have done your homework! Good job!