Sunday, February 04, 2007

Queen George and the Invisible Dick | CorrenteWire

Queen George and the Invisible Dick | CorrenteWire:
"Like CD, I have run across an item which says what I’ve been trying to get across (and failing) every time the “We Can’t Impeach Bush Until We Get Rid of Cheney First” argument comes up to conveniently deflate the obvious fact that they both have to go.

Josh Marshall’s weekend guy David Kurtz slams the whole package together in this terrific piece. This started when the TPM crew set out to find out a seemingly basic, easy question: how many people work for the Office of the Vice President (OVP)? Turns out you are not allowed to know this. (Emphasis added). Never mind who they are, what they do, or who comes to visit them during working, taxpayer-funded hours, you aren’t allowed to know how many of them exist, again paid for with your tax dollars. How can this be, you ask?"
The evidence is mounting that the Office of the Vice-President is engaging in questionable power mongering that should belong in the Office of the President. The question is, "why is this being allowed by President Bush?"

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