Monday, February 18, 2008

The Washington Note--Creation of a National Infrastructure Bank

Your humble blogger makes his living helping communities to invest in public works infrastructure.  Obama has come out  supporting the need for the Federal Government to once again invest our nation's infrastructure.  And by the way, Washington state has a great model that stands out as one of the best:  The Public Works Trust Fund.

This from Steve Clemons at the Washington Note:

Barack Obama has just announced support for a national infrastructure bank -- similar to the one that Senators Chris Dodd and Chuck Hagel have been pushing for in Congress.

This is really important for the nation -- and helps to get back to sensible thinking about rebuilding the foundation on which this country's commerce, jobs base, social networks, just about everything that requires connectivity is based. Dems -- particularly budget hawks -- are in a bind because the stress on the discretionary part of the national budget is going to preempt any 'politics of optimism' if we can't distinguish between capital investments in national infrastructure that will help drive forward growth and gains for the economy -- and other kinds of disbursements that have less of an impact on economic growth.

The Washington Note